Taking time away from their self-titled MTV reality series, Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi and Jenni “JWoww” Farley enjoyed a few laughs during a photoshoot for Buzzfeed.
The besties struck a few poses for the photographers as famous pairs in pop culture.
Dressing as the former BFF reality queens from the hit Fox series "The Simple Life" Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton, Snooki and JWoww as the series' poster.
The girls also dressed up as Wayne and Garth from the 1992 film "Wayne's World," along with Walter White and Jesse Pinkman from AMC's "Breaking Bad."
During the interview with Buzzfeed, Snooki revealed how much she loved the bad girls of the music industry including Rihanna and Miley Cyrus.
"I love Rihanna, but actually my girl crush right now is Miley Cyrus," Miss Polizzi explained. "I love her. I want to hug her. I haven't met her since new Miley came out. I met old Miley."
While they state they are nothing like Paris and Nicole, the girls would rather compare themselves to Lavern and Shirley.
"I think I'd be Laverne. Shirley is more like a worrywart," Jenni said. "Well, it depends on the episode.
"Whoever is the tall one, that one is Jenni," Snooki joked.
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